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When Is Roof Replacement More Practical Than Repairs?

August 14, 2024
When Is Roof Replacement More Practical Than Repairs?

Roofs can be repaired as many times as needed. However, there will be a point where roof replacement will overtake repairs as the practical solution. In today’s post, the local roofing and window installers at Austin Pro Siding, Windows & Roofing discuss the signs that you should have your roof replaced instead of repaired.

Major Structural Issues

Issues that threaten a roof’s structural integrity can be either caused by installation errors or severe damage to the roofing structure. If caught early, an incorrectly-built roof can be fixed and even reinforced if needed. In most cases, these repairs can be done without dismantling parts of the roof.

However, successfully repairing a roof with structural damage will depend on factors such as the condition of the timbers and how extensive the damage is. For example, a crooked roof line indicates damage to the support structure, or even the house foundations. In either case, replacement would be the more practical and longer-lasting solution.

Holes In the Roof

Roofers recommend including the attic in your roofing inspections because it helps you find indicators of major roofing problems like pinhole lights coming through the roof. Roofs are built with multiple layers of material, so holes in the roof indicate extensive damage and diminished protection for your home. Getting a new roof wouldn’t just address numerous holes in the roof in one stroke, but also ensure long-term protection for your home.

Old Age

All types of roofs have expected life spans. If you have an asphalt shingle roof, you can expect to enjoy 20 to 30 years out of it with proper care and maintenance. In comparison, standard metal roofs typically last 50 years while slate and tile roofs can last for more than 100 years. As roofs age, they will show signs of wear — on asphalt shingle roofs, one of these signs is “balding” shingles, which happens when the granules are eroded through the years. While it is possible to get a few more years beyond your roof’s expected life span, you should nevertheless plan for a replacement.

Austin Pro Siding, Windows & Roofing is one of the leading roofing and window replacement contractors serving Austin. Give us a call at (512) 550-0000. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.

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