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3 Things to Remember About Painting in Cold Temperatures

August 14, 2024
3 Things to Remember About Painting in Cold Temperatures

Homeowners should know that exterior paint jobs need to be scheduled at the right time, and specifically done when outside temperatures are favorable. If the temperature is too high, the paint will dry quicker than it should and may have problems adhering to the surface. If the temp is too low, paint won’t dry quickly and will be vulnerable to dirt.

If the exterior paint on your siding fails during fall or winter, it’s always best to ask expert siding companies for help. Don’t try to paint your exteriors on your own if you don’t know the ambient temperatures because your effort and the paint itself might just go to waste if you fail.

That said, how cold is too cold for exterior painting? Austin Pro Siding, Windows & Roofing discusses some things to remember when tackling exterior paint jobs during low temperatures.

Make Sure to Get the Right Contractor for the Job

Siding replacement companies might try to rush you into painting your exterior according to their timeline, but you don’t have to agree. While their suggestions can be valid, it might be because they’re rushing to finish working on your project so they can move on to another client. Rushed work is often unreliable.

Try your best to look for a reliable contractor and establish a relationship with them before a project. That way, you can be assured of quality exterior painting work that includes proper washing, caulking, painting and curing  – especially when it’s cold.

Latex and Oil-Based Paints Are Best Painted When It’s Not Very Cold

Most paint manufacturers advise minimum ambient and surface temperatures of 50 degrees Fahrenheit for latex paints and a minimum of 45 degrees Fahrenheit for oil-based paints. Lower temperatures will slow the paint’s curing process, leaving it vulnerable to insects, grime, dirt and other debris that will destroy the paint.

You’ll Need Specialized Paint for Lower Temperatures

Homeowners who really need to have their homes painted regardless of the cold will need to use a specially formulated latex paint designed to work in temperatures as low as 36 degrees Fahrenheit. This paint contains coalescing agents that allow it to perform and cure even in cold conditions.

If you’re looking for expert advice and professional help regarding an exterior paint job, contact Austin Pro Siding, Windows & Roofing. Our experienced siding installers can help you with your needs. Give us a call at (512) 550-0000 or fill up our contact form for a free, no-hassle quote.

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